Women Abroad
Daily Life
North America
August 22, 2024

Eclectic Homes - Houses Turned Into Art



 eclec·​tic | \ i-ˈklek-tik  , e- \

Definition of eclectic

1: composed of elements drawn from various sources

2: selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles


A home is the extension of its owner. 

They have always been a medium for people to showcase their creativity - landlords willing. 

So, what assumption can you make about a home with a pink cow fridge, stylized broken glass wall, disco balls in the bathroom, and framed Kanye tweets?

When you walk through the doors of someone’s home for the first time, you can tell what sort of person lives there. From macrame and throw pillows for the boho-chic girl in New York City, clean white walls and Barnhouse aesthetic for the soccer mom in the midwest, to the dark industrial walls of a businessman in a high rise - decor leaves little to the imagination. 

With millennials recently spreading their wings and gaining more home independence, with the help of social media like Tik Tok, new styles of living have popped up across North America. 

The definition of a ‘home’ has shifted from the suburban house that sheltered nuclear families in the 1900s. Now, young people are flocking to new styles of living like van life, hostel hopping, and customizing homes in rural towns. 

First-time home owner Madison Moxley saw small-town Kentucky as the perfect place to begin her first eclectic home project. 

The eclectic home trend began after the Victorian period. People shifted their focus away from exuberant homes and instead prided themselves on not adhering to any one style. 

Google searching “Eclectic Homes” yields hundreds of images and Pinterest boards of colorful rooms filled to the brim with a hodgepodge of decorations and furniture. Each room is dedicated to its own style and “vibe”. 

Essentially, there are no rules or barriers for these styles of home. The only limiting factor is imagination - something Madison has no shortage of.

Madison and her husband Mason are no strangers to being in the social media spotlight. She first went viral thanks to her engagement photoshoot at JC Penny which ultimately landed her a spot on the Kelly Clarkson show in 2019. 

Then, again, in 2021 she took to Tik Tok with a mission of being a bridesmaid in a stranger’s wedding.


Over the years she’s garnered a staggering 117k followers on social media. 

TikTok - @madimoxxi

Instagram - @madimoxxi

Her most notable, and long-term project, is unquestionably her home. 

Madison graciously answered all of my questions about how she created her own mini wonderland. 

Special thanks to simpsonssnapshots (@simpsonssnapshots) for the photos of Madison's home. Full album available here

When did you begin to use your living spaces as an extension of your creativity?

“While renting an apartment I began to follow a lot of eclectic home decor creators and enjoy their homes, since I was renting I was very limited in what I could do on decor so I held off until buying my home. Like many new homeowners we began to clean, repair, and redecorate the house. Unfortunately, I was very concerned about the resale value, so I painted the whole house white with the assumption that crazy decor would be enough. It was not and within a few months I was grouting mirrors to the wall, wallpapering ceilings, and painting rooms black.”

The stylized kitchen. Can you find the framed Waffle House?
Mini pantry with decorations - next to the pink cow pattern refrigerator.

When did you begin to design your house?

“Before we moved in, I had created vision boards, and  lists of “to-do’s” for each room. When actually purchasing, filling in small details, and creating art I did each room individually and put my full focus into that one specific room. Every room has its own energy but because it is authentic to me and my mind it all seems to tie together.”

Disco balls above the toilet

How long was the process?

“About two years, and still going. I have an office, gym area, and stairwell that I want to perfect but I need to get inspired, motivated, and ready to spend the money.”

Animal print guest bedroom with a marble wall

Did you have a plan from the beginning or was it a make it up as you go thing?

“Absolutely no plan. But my method of designing a room begins with picking a theme/inspiration/vibe, researching other rooms with that energy, getting a rough idea on my statement pieces, brainstorming for weeks on how to elevate those statement pieces- if it’s been done before I figure out how to make it mine. I then research how to make it happen, make the art, purchase or repurpose the big furniture pieces, and then finish the details. It’s utter chaos but comes together fast.”

The master bedroom. Pictures of Madison and Mason's Vegas themed wedding hang above their bed.

How much did a project like this cost?

“Oh boy. I did try to be frugal with this. I have a gasp rule when shopping- I must gasp at something to purchase it. It’s a pretty good rule and has made a lot of my home authentic and saves me money on things that I feel “meh” about. But I know you are dying to hear a number so I’m going to go with around $15,000. But spread over 2 years- it’s not AS bad.”

The perfect place to hang out on a Friday night - basement

How did you find the items?

“Thrifting, etsy, and sentimental items. Sometimes I would see an item displayed in a store that I know a family member has in storage and the styling sparks my interest, so I’ll make a call and get it for free.”

The vibrant dining room
A perfect dinner guest near the table.

What are the themes for your rooms?

The biggest themed room is the formal living room area, I let Mason pick the theme and he loves a cyberpunk aesthetic, so I just went for it. The main bedroom and dining room were both inspired by Miley Cyrus’s home. The bathroom just had the goal to be as entertaining as possible for guests while they take care of business. There’s a lot to look at but also a lot to interact with.

Cyber Punk themed living room
The stylized broken glass wall across from the couch

Was there anyone that inspired you?

Kylie Jenner and Miley Cyrus. 

Sweet Victory in the basement. Pictured to the side is the old cell phone collection.
More of the basement decoration. Most hand crafted/customized.

I have seen on social media posts that the idea you had behind the themes of your home was for guests to find Easter Eggs. Are guests limited to just people you know or do you have plans in the future to extend it to Air BNB? 

“The plan is to transition the home into an airbnb when the time comes. My vision is to make the home the destination for travel to and experience. I plan on creating interactive scavenger hunts, plenty of photo opportunities, and a wide array of entertainment.”

More decoration above the toilet
The bathroom mirror. Party streamer shower curtains pictured in the reflection.

Rural Kentucky isn't exactly the place most people would imagine this sort of home to be. How do you feel about that?

“It definitely has a Los Angeles or New York City energy to it. I feel quite proud to push through cultural expectations and “norms” and just be me. I have always believed that in order to stand out you can’t fit in.”

Although not a fully completed project yet, Madison's home is more than just that - it is living art. She had transformed blank walls and floors into a masterpiece.

She is a person of unending creativity, and we are supporting her in all that she does in the future.

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